Methods List

Both the Cloud Computing Platform (CCP) and the Analytics Engine display the Methods List section in the left column, which contains all methods available in the current environment. These methods are grouped by category for easy navigation.

Methods List

Method Card

Each method is described by the following attributes:

  • Name and Version Number: Identifies the method and its version. New versions may indicate updates or improvements, while older versions may be deprecated.

  • Authors: The person(s) responsible for creating or maintaining the method.

  • Description: Brief explanation of the method’s purpose or functionality.

  • Tags: Relevant tags that classify the method.

  • Infrastructures: Indicates the infrastructures where the method can be executed (usually, D4Science Production Infrastructure).

Method Detail

Managing Methods

To the right of each method, a series of buttons allows you to execute, edit, or manage the method.

Method Buttons

The available actions for each method depend on several factors, including:

  • The current page you are on (whether you are in the CCP or the Method Importer).

  • The user’s permissions regarding the method.

  • The sharing status of the method.

Some buttons may be hidden based on these conditions. Below are the possible actions:

Action Buttons

Play button Play Button

Loads the method into the execution form, where users can configure the input and start the execution.

Availability: Shown only on the Cloud Computing Platform (CCP) page. The method must have at least one available infrastructure in the current VRE (Virtual Research Environment) to be executed; otherwise, the button will be hidden.

Edit button Edit Button

Loads the method into the editing form, where users can manage and modify the method’s definition.

Availability: Shown only on the Method/Algorithm Importer page.

Download button Download Button

Downloads the JSON file that defines the method.

Archive button Archive Button

Similar to the download button, but saves the method’s JSON file to the user’s workspace instead of downloading it to the local machine

Share button Share Button

Clicking this button shares the method with others in the environment.

Availability: Appears only for methods defined by the user that have not yet been shared with the community. Once shared, the method becomes visible to users across the relevant VREs, depending on the permissions set by the original creator.

Archived label Archived Label

Indicates that the method has been shared with the community.